an explosion of blue in the sky, the pink color of cortez trees, someone crosses the street
this is still belo horizonte, where everything begins
pictures and huge letters on the ground
a i, an n, a d, another i, an e... just like this:
i n d i e
what will it be?
placed in the middle of a city that it crosses
it could be berlin or tokyo, in reduced planes, in unfocused lenses,
a feeling of déjà vu, is a place,
a sensation, a reminiscence
the smell of burnt milk, a heavy sea breeze,
portuguese nuts roasted in a stall,
oh the delicious smell of the river, of a good river... not this one!
the color of a fair, nostalgia of a city of childhood, on the street
the same, so different
all mixed as in a memory game
getting together
sunflower with sunflower,
eye to eye
we make this proposition to the city: look, a festival of independent film...
what? what’s the name?
it is INDIE, my lady, just like this, with i,n,d,i,e
the city thought about the idea, picked it up in an instant and changed history

the days will come and go so fast
like a party you have prepared for months
like the russians that did not come over,
things do not come back
sensations mix in a dark room
in that slowness
fixed, with eyes wide open
cinema time is another time,
ah! ci-ne-ma,
finally the raw material

making INDIE is to dig up sensations again, to make plans that don’t work, remaking them again tirelessly
dealing with major falls
nothing is easy here, but the faithful public is there
anxious for a story, a challenging image
like reading backwards, like crossing the street blindfolded,
to be indie has become reality, suddenly!
only 8 years later, only 150 thousand people later
only more than millions of images and sounds later
we that INDIE means to want something more always

Francesca Azzi, Eduardo Cerqueira, Daniella Azzi
Zeta Filmes

|| indie 2008
121 sessions in 7 days
134 new films
17 countries
united states, england, france, china, germany, japan, philippines, iran, venezuela, sierra leoa, argel, hungary, israel, indonesia, india, thailand, brasil

|| indie 8 years
150,000 spectators
981 films
1427 free sessions

we know that INDIE means to want something more always